Development of the basis of the Tyro platform – a tool for business process automation
The project is carried out with Kvarko ASI Sp. z o.o. within the Measure 1.3 “R&D projects financed with capital funds”, Sub-measure 1.3.1 “Support for R&D projects in the pre-seed phase by the proof-of-concept funds – BRIdge Alfa” as part of the Operational Programme Smart Growth 2014-2020 co-funded by the European Union.
Ref. no. of the support contract: 16/Kvarko of September 22, 2020
Value of the project: 1 000 000.00 PLN
European Union financing: 800 000.00 PLN
The goal of the project is develop basic elements of Tyro – an AI-based platform for automated text and document processing and analysis, which includes document representation, initialization and continual learning, and human-in-the-loop mechanism.

Polish Technological Bridges
The project is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund within the Priority Axis 3 “Support for innovation in enterprises”, Measure 3.3 “Support for the promotion and internationalization of innovative enterprises”, Sub-measure 3.3.1 “Polish Technological Bridges” as part of the Operational Programme Smart Growth 2014-2020.
Ref. no. of the support contract: UG-PMT/0609/4N/2019-AUS of January 10, 2020
Value of the project: 200 000.00 PLN
The goal of the project is to increase the recognition of our brand in the local market of Australia, expand foreign sales and network with foreign partners. The implementation of the project will help us with international branding, acquiring new markets and developing international sales.

Development of an AI tool for information extraction, retrieval and document summarization in order to automate processes of multistep processing and analysis of unstructured data
The project is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund within Measure 1.1. “Enterprise R&D Projects”, Sub-measure 1.1.1. “Industrial research and development by companies” as part of The Operational Programme Smart Growth 2014-2020.
The goal of the project is to develop an AI tool based on a multimodal language model to automate information extraction, retrieval and document summarization using the latest NLP, computer vision, and deep learning techniques.
The result of the project will be a significantly improved product that allows to automatically perform the following tasks: information extraction, retrieval and document summarization.
Ref. no. of the support contract: POIR.01.01.01-00-0876/20-00
Value of the project: 4 402 667.65 PLN
European Union financing: 3 237 920.89 PLN

Development of a cognitive technology for automating the document flow in enterprises
The project is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund within the Priority Axis 1 “Enterprises and innovation”, Measure 1.2. “Innovative enterprises, sub-measure 1.2.1. “Innovative enterprises – horizontal competition” as part of ROP WD 2014-2020.
The goal of the project is to develop a tool for automated layout understanding of unstructured documents, which includes page segmentation, tabular and handwriting OCR, and document classification using the latest computer vision and deep learning techniques.
The result of the project will be a significantly improved product that is able to automatically process and understand document layout, which includes page segmentation, comprehensive OCR, and document classification.
Ref. no. of the support contract: RPDS.01.02.01-02-0063/20-00
Value of the project: 3 833 089.42 PLN
European Union financing: 2 386 340.09 PLN